A note to new moms from a new mom.

Kindly donot read further if you are not a mom or are an expecting mom..

This is only for all those new moms who have asked every other mommy.. where is the joy you told me...why did you insist I was missing something...hell has broken lose on me...well most new moms feel the same.... most have gone through the guilt of not finding joy the first few months.

People often write " the best moment in my life was when I saw my child". Well I had normal deliveries both time and the first thing that crossed my mind was.. " am I still alive?"

Then starts the unending story of feeding.. they will feed every two hrs, every hr, every half hr, every twenty minutes, every ten minutes, 5 minutes , every minute, sec, millisecond..  they don't want to leave you. You are the milk giving machine. You are the comforter. They will stick to you. You hang on mommy.

Indian moms, like myself, will be out on a ghee diet by mils and mothers, basically no fruits less veggies, no sour, no cold, if anything is given it will be with ghee and preferably with a dash of something sweet. You end up eating all since " it's all for the child". Forget about the love handles you had they will become truck tires. Hang on there mommy.

The child will cry, if it feels cold or hot or wet or even when it changes position or just because it wants to. But they will still say, oh is he hungry? Are you getting enough milk?. You may be leaking and the wet nipples are easily visible but still babies don't cry it must be hunger.And so you eat more, more of the ghee diet. And that's when Pinterest shows you all those skinny new mommies who are uber thin and uber fit. Hang on there mommy.

The baby will sneeze and cough and vomit. You might be in the strictest diet (their diet), you might not  have stepped out of that closed hot room since ten days, you have not had that head bath forever now, you have kept the baby all warm always, they will still ask you. What did you eat, what did you do?
As if you have wished for this sneeze and cough and vomit since the time you conceived.

You will be cut, either down under or under your belly and may be those dry nipples. You will feel like a dissected rat. Hang on there mommy.

You will be wet almost every where, you will perspire, you will bleed , you will leak, and you will cry inconsolable for nothing don't worry for  every thing wet there is a "tissue". Hang on there mommy.

All the books that you have read , the tricks you saw, the lessons people gave. All the ultimate gyan  on no co sleeping and no rocking will go out of the window. Because you will be tired more aptly you become a zombie. They say sleep when baby sleeps, but when do you do the rest. When do you eat, take a bath, brush your teeth, visit a washroom? And Just when you will prepare to take that nap they will be awake. It's the motherhood ultimate rule. Hang on there mommy.

The husband will snore away to parental bliss, while you are wide awake at 3 am feeding the baby. He will happily eat his favourites because the mothers are there to cook his meal, he can take the unending shower sessions because he is not the cow, his wardrobe has not changed to boring xxxxxl outfits and he will still come and tell you life has changed I have no time to watch television. Ya really!! Talk about gender equality. Talk about shared parenting. Hang on there mommy.

Your peers will receive awards, post pics on " best night outs" , attend sessions on Ariel yoga and all at the time when you look like a pig ,act like a cow And feel like a zombie. What have I done to myself!!..hang on there mommy.

Hang on there because it's going to get better to get worse.when the word mumma  you are waiting to hear will be put on repeat mode forever. When the little feet you have been waiting to walk will leave you alone nowhere , even when you are sitting on pot waiting for the shittiest shit. I would still say hang on there mommy, to discover  the moments of truth.

Ps: I love my children.


  1. Being a mom at the time of a pandemic is so difficult.


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